CIRB Code Defintions
This section is dedicated to building code definitions within the Construction Industry Research Board research program. These definitions serve as a foundational reference for understanding the CIRB methodology associated with permit classification.
New Residential Buildings
101—Single-Family Houses include all detached, semi-detached and attached one-family houses, including condos*, townhouses* or row houses. Includes prefabricated, sectionalized, panelized, and modular homes, which are manufactured partially offsite, but are transported and assembled at the construction site. Exclude mobile homes. (*Condos and townhomes should be considered multi-family and placed in categories 104 and 105 if they are 3 or more units and under the same continuous roof or are in a multi-story building and constructed above or below one another.)
102—Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) a self-contained residential unit that is located on the same lot as a primary dwelling.
103—Two-Family Buildings (duplexes) include all buildings containing two housing units, which may be one above the other or side-by-side.
104—Three- and Four-Family Buildings (triplexes and fourplexes) include all buildings containing three or four housing units.
105—Five-or-More Family Buildings (5+ unit apartments and complexes) include all buildings containing five or more housing units.
New Non-Residential Buildings
213—Hotels and Motels includes hotels, motels, apartment hotels and tourist cabins intended for transient accommodations.
214—Other Non-housekeeping Shelter includes lodge associations or club buildings with bedrooms, rooming houses, dormitories and fraternity houses. Secondary or additional dwelling units are reported in category 101.
318—Amusement, Social and Recreational Buildings includes structures designed to provide amusement or recreation, such as theaters, radio and TV studios, auditoriums, athletic and social clubs, YMCA buildings used primary for recreation, arenas, bowling alleys, skating rinks, bathhouses and gymnasiums.
319—Churches and Other Religious Buildings includes churches, temples, synagogues, parish halls, Sunday school rooms, monasteries and convents.
320—Industrial Buildings includes plants producing, processing, or assembling goods and materials, such as factories, machine shops, paper mills, beverage plants, manufacturing and printing plants. Does not include accessory and storage buildings, which are reported in category 328.
321—Parking Garages includes garage buildings and open-deck parking structures to be used primarily for transient parking. Does not include storage garages, which are reported in category
328, or residential garages, which are reported in 438. Parking lots are out of the scope of this report.
322—Service Stations and Repair Garages includes automotive service stations and repair garages. Does not include auto sales buildings, dealerships or any retail gas station buildings, which are reported in category 327.
323—Hospitals and Institutional Buildings includes hospitals, convalescent homes, rest homes, homes for the aged, nursing homes, orphanages and similar establishments for prolonged institutional care. Does not include doctors’ offices, which are reported in category 324, or staff houses and apartments, which are included in items 101 through 105.
324—Office, Bank and Professional Buildings includes offices, banks, financial institutions, administration buildings and medical office buildings.
325—Public Works and Utilities (not to be confused with publicly funded, government-owned or civil works construction) includes buildings providing public services, such as transportation, communication, power, light, heat, sewage and garbage disposal, trash incineration and water supply. Also includes new windmills, cell phone towers and solar installations valued at $1 million or more.
326—Schools and Other Educational Buildings includes schools, libraries, museums, observatories, universities and academies. Does not include student housing and apartments, which are included in items 101 through 105.
327—Stores and Customer Service includes buildings used in buying, selling, distributing, or storing merchandise and/or performing customer services, such as stores, auto and other showrooms, warehouses, restaurants, taverns, night clubs, wineries (report wine production facilities in 320), bakery shops, laundry and dry cleaning establishments, beauty salons and barber shops.
328—Other Non-Residential Buildings includes sheds, boathouses, barns, silos, dog pounds or kennels, post offices, storage buildings, animal hospitals, jails, reformatories, agriculture buildings, steel buildings, workshops, accessory buildings, pool houses and cabanas.
329—Structures Other Than Buildings includes residential and non-residential, non-building recreational facility construction and harbor and port facility construction, such as outdoor swimming pools, marinas, outdoor stadiums, parks, outdoor theaters, boardwalks, wharves and docks. Also includes decks, patios, canopies, shade structures, fountains, sewer laterals, trash enclosures, trellises and retaining walls. Flag poles and light posts are out of the scope of this report.
Additions, Alterations and Conversions of Existing Structures
434—Residential Additions/Alterations includes all permits issued for additions and alterations to existing housekeeping residential buildings, and conversions of non-residential buildings to residential buildings. Also includes repairs, remodels, rehabs and abatements. Additions of garages and carports are included in category 438. Does not include installation permits to cover electrical, encroachment, plumbing (please report new sewer laterals in 329), reroofs, installations of fire escapes, signs and elevators.
434-HVAC—Residential Additions/Alterations HVAC refers to the modifications or improvements made to existing HVAC systems within a residential property.
437—Non-Residential Additions/Alterations includes all permits issued for additions and alterations to existing non-residential, commercial and non-housekeeping buildings, and conversions of residential buildings to non-residential buildings. Also includes tenant improvement (TI) projects, repairs, remodels, rehabs and abatements. Does not include installation permits to cover electrical, encroachment, plumbing (please report new sewer laterals in 329), reroofs, racking, installations of fire escapes, signs and elevators.
437-HAVC—Non-Residential Additions/Alterations HVAC refers to the modifications or improvements made to existing HVAC systems within a non-residential property.
438—Residential Garages and Carports includes additions to existing or the construction of new residential garages and carports, whether attached or detached. Includes conversions from other residential structures to garages or carports; however, a garage conversion to a residential building should be counted in category 434. Does not include items in categories 101 through 105.
Energy Permits
340-R—Solar Residential Installations includes roof- or ground-mounted solar (photovoltaic) systems or arrangements of electrical components which utilize and maintain sunlight as a power source installed on new or existing residential structures.
340-NR—Solar New Residential Structure refers to the integration of solar (photovoltaic) systems into the design and construction of newly built residential buildings.
340-C—Solar Non-Residential Installations includes roof- or ground-mounted solar (photovoltaic) systems or arrangements of electrical components which utilize and maintain sunlight as a power source installed on new or existing non-residential structures. New ground-mounted solar installations or solar fields valued at $1 million or more are to be included in category 325.
500-R—HVAC Residential Changeouts includes the number of changeouts reported in the permit issued (as there can be multiple changeouts in one issued permit) of a residential HVAC system, which involves or affects refrigerant-containing components, including ductwork in an unconditioned space, a furnace or FAU, an AC condenser or evaporator coil, wall heaters and swamp coolers. Compressor replacements are not included in the scope of this report.
500-C—HVAC Non-Residential Changeouts includes the number of changeouts reported in the permit issued (as there can be multiple changeouts in one issued permit) of a non-residential HVAC system, which involves or affects refrigerant-containing components, including ductwork in an un-conditioned space, a furnace or FAU, an AC condenser or evaporator coil, wall heaters and swamp coolers. Compressor replacements are not included in the scope of this report.
501--General mechanical include permits that are simply labeled “mechanical” or something similar and contain no specific equipment description of mechanical changeout
502—Electric Vehicle Chargers and Stations includes infrastructure, wall chargers or outlets supplying energy for the recharging of electric vehicles, such as plug-in electric cars and hybrid vehicles.
503—Battery includes electrical batteries associated with solar like ESS, powerwalls, and backup batteries
600--Plumbing includes water heaters and general, non-specified plumbing permits